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  1. S

    Apple Expo PR stunt

    where is the stream? either the offical or non-offical?
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    Countdown to WWDC Keynote

    No the only public part of WWDC is Steve Jobs Keynote from 10:00am to 12:00pm on Monday 23rd June 2003, and thats when the countdown counts down to :) Doesn't look likes theres anything big happening on the 27th (the last day):
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    Countdown to WWDC Keynote

    Hopefully it will be streamed but Apple haven't said anything as yet.
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    Countdown to WWDC Keynote

    I thought some of you would be interested in counting down to Steve Jobs WWDC keynote on the 23rd June, so take a look at its at the bottom of the page. If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail the webmaster of 3cmug first (
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    GIANT HUMONGOUS HOLE in mac os x security!!!

    >> I just have a regular user account that happens to be named "guest". The name if the account is irrelevant, the importance is on the password. If the account doesn't have a password than anyone can login (duh). If you wanted to secure your system you would put a password on this account or...
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    sjobs being set up for MWSF?

    Da_iMac_Daddy: The Apple logo has been like since the intro of .mac. Your milk theme has no affect on it
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    GIANT HUMONGOUS HOLE in mac os x security!!!

    This 'hole' isn't on my machine (Powerbook G4 800mhz). I have no guest access, but I do have multiple accounts. Using Windows, I can only login using the set usernames/passwords of each account user, and then only access the files for thom I am logged in as. Therefore I have no security concerns...
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    Apple Snowflake Screensaver

    Theres something called SnowSaver which looks just like what your looking for. Download here:
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    MSN-compatible iChat??

    Proteus is great, previous versions got me the msn disconnect prob, but I'm now using the lastest beta 2.2a10 and get no probs at all. iChat is great, very good, but if your mates all use msn/yahoo etc its no good. Thats why Apple needs to support msn/yahoo/and that other major one ??
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    new adobe thread - expired serial number

    Yeh I know I've had the same copy. It says its final theres no 'beta' anywhere and the splash screen doesn't say 'beta' but it is a beta build. It was produced by Adobe as the last build before GM (gold master) -this was distributed to developers and found its way onto the web as Photoshop 7 Final
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    new adobe thread - expired serial number

    like I said- you do have a beta build is your serial is expiring
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    new adobe thread - expired serial number

    Am I the only one answering the question? You have a beta (build) copy of photoshop 7. It may not look like a beta but I asure you it is. Its not the serial thats expired its the app. As you say short term fix: set your date back Long time fix: download or buy Full version of photoshop.
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    Messenger 2.1

    It comes with the beta version of office v.X, but I am not sure if they desided to keep it in for the released version.... I bet they did though...
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    iPod just the start

    This is a great idea, and Apple could do it if they wanted to... Apple made there own digital camera quite a few years ago, so they already have the camera technology. They have the firewire, form factor and hard disk technology to make a attractive looking digital camera running through...
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    Developing iMovie Plugins

    Who is the company which is developing 3rd party plugins for iMovie? I want some more effects........
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    Modem, Internet and /dev/cu.modem

    Hi people, I need some tips or help with developing a Cocoa based internet connect application. I'm working for a large UK dialup ISP company who wants a personalised version of its internet connection software for mac os x. ( cocoa) I've been having trouble writing to /dev/cu.modem , is...
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    Does anyone know of any photoshop tutorials for creating aqua text and icons? I've found a few but they never look right, just end up being embossed gel, rather than 'Aqua'. Please help me.....
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    No New hardware at Paris Expo...

    Couldn't a flat screen iMac be seen as an 'Update'?
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    Warcraft II CD in OSX?

    I had no trouble mounting the W2 CD or the W2 Expansion Set in Mac OSX, so I don't know whats wrong with your computer/copy sorry?
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    VideoLan (vlc) Help

    Does anyone know how to install the newest version of vlc for Mac OSX? I'm having trouble building the latest version and can't get old versions to work-they just build app's that instantly quit on launch-whats going on? I really need this to work!!! is it possible for me to download a...