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  1. J

    Erase CD RWs from context menu/finder?

    At the moment in OSX the only way to erase/work with CD RWs seems to be using disk utility, which is pretty inconvenient. Does anyone know a program/hack/workaround that'll let me erase CD RWs from the context menu when i command/right click the dvd in finder? Or just anything easier/more...
  2. J

    Network only user profile?

    You're saying that if I use sharepoints to set up a share, then other people on my network don't need accounts on my machine to access it? how's this work, I'm using sharepoints ATM but if anyone tries to establish a connection to my machine they need to enter their username and password first.
  3. J

    New Powerbook - can I connect to windows??

    When you say the Airport icon is greyed out, is the icon a solid grey wedge with a thin black border or a grey wedge with faint concentric lines on it? If it's solid grey then the problem is that your airport card is turned off. If this is the case, go to system preferences/network, select...
  4. J

    Network only user profile?

    Am I correct in thinking that, in OS X, any user wishing to connect over the network to any shared volumes I might have needs to have a user account on my machine? This means that I need to have a user account on my machine for everyone else on my network who I want to share files with...
  5. J

    Permanently/Automatically sharing network volumes?

    Hmm, thanks for the suggestion but I don't think this is the solution to my problem because: 1. As stated, I'm on a wireless network. It was my impression that when an ibook goes to sleep the airport card is automatically powered down, this means that it's impossible to use this app to wake a...
  6. J

    Permanently/Automatically sharing network volumes?

    i've got two G4 ibooks running OS X 10.3 connected to my wireless network at home and I have several folders on each which i wish to share with the other. I've used Sharepoints to set up sharing on the relevant folders and can mount them as network volumes fine. My problem is that, since the...