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  1. Y

    G5 processor fan issues

    I got some great help in fixing my finder but one problem still remains, the fan in my 1.8 G5 revs up and slows down again at times when nothing processor intensive is taking place. I've heard that the fan is controlled by osX, does anyones have a suggestions?
  2. Y

    Wack Finder/desktop-HELP

    I thought about that, but then I have one question... Since i Cant use the icons on the desktop including the hard drive, what shortcuts can I use so that I can get to the files for the user and back them up on an external drive. I.e the movies folder
  3. Y

    Wack Finder/desktop-HELP

    I am a somewhat new mac user, but know the basics however a recently confronted a crazy problem that I have no idea how to troubleshoot. When I log in everything goes great until the desktop icons (all of them including the entire commandbar at the top) start their cycling of disapearing and...