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  1. 1

    AppleTalk sharing problems under 10.1.2

    Select the "Allow Connections with TCP/IP" (make sure you have your permissions set up if your connected the internet, to protect yourself) I'm currently doing beta testing for my company on OS X, and have that selected. When people loose their AppleTalk connection I get a lot of calls...
  2. 1

    Connecting to a NT 4 server

    If your running 10.1 or above you do not need 3rd party software to connect to an NT server or servers at the same time. use "smb://" if there's a domain you'll need to include it in the path. example: smb://DOMAIN;SERVERNAME/Share Yes, that's a ";" between the Domain and sever name...
  3. 1

    X.1.2 finder quits with NT server?

    On NT shares, you can use "smb:" to connect, this avoids AppleTalk altogether. If you have a DOMAIN for these servers you will need to include it in the path. example: smb://DOMAIN;SERVERNAME/Share Yes that's a ";" between the domain and server name. Been working like a charm for me...
  4. 1

    AppleTalk Zones

    I've had the same problem, I'm on a med. size network with both Macs and PC's. I've had my AppleTalk zones vanish like .com's The only way I've found to get them back consistantly is through the Terminal. You'll have to login as "super-user" which is the Mac OS X flavor of root. You will...
  5. 1

    Hiding a name in the log in menu

    Within the System Preferences, you can go to "Login" and make some adjustments to what shows on the Login window, I have mine set so I can use change user login name to be able to login as "root", you can also set-up an automatic login of you're the only user. I'm sure there's a way to have...
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    Classic isn't loading up on 10.1

    Here's the rest of my reply, slipped and posted before I was done, The only consistant way I've been able to keep Classic running is rebuild the desktop (command-option) while it's starting up. This seems an odd way, but it has worked every time. 10.1 also removes the Classic icon from...
  7. 1

    Classic isn't loading up on 10.1

    I have the same problem, ATM lite in your classic system extension folder is most likely the cause. I created a minimal extension set for it to use with OS 10.1, Although I must say it just made it 50%.
  8. 1

    Did a big NO-NO....

    Wish I had more advise, Have you run it under 9.2.1? There's the Classic verion 8.6 of Disk First-Aid that fixes a "wrapper something or other". It really is the only thing I've ever seen it fix I'm getting the impression the error it's finding is related to that. I would also recomend...
  9. 1

    can someone who knows stuff about networking help me out?

    You may need to find out the Domain name and change your mapping request to: smb://DOMAIN;ServerName/ShareName yes that's a ; after the domain name. the IP address would go where the ServerName is, and depending if they have mulitpal shares on that server, you could just leave the...
  10. 1

    Did a big NO-NO....

    Have you tried the disk utilities on the OS10.1 CD? When you boot from the CD it looks as if the only thing you can do is install or re-install, but if you go up to the menu bar under file you'll see a Launch Disk Utilites, the always lame "Disk First-Aid" within there may fix your...
  11. 1

    AppleTalk crashing my Finder

    I'm still having the vanishing "Zones", I have figured out how to use "SMB" to get to my NT4 Shares without crashing the finder. The key for me was how to include the domain in the mapping. simply using the server name and share name didn't work. (example: smb://servername/sharename) Reading...
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    OK, I've hit a wall. I need to figure out how to become a "super-user". this apparently will allow you to do things that even "root" user will not allow. Does anyone have an idea on how to set this up?:confused:
  13. 1

    mounting shared folders on Win2000

    I've been having a hard time keeping my AppleTalk zones they seem to come and go like rain, but SMB has worked great soon as I found out if you have a domain on your network how you deal with that. example : SMB://DOMAIN;servername/sharename.........hope this helps someone!
  14. 1

    AppleTalk crashing my Finder

    After mounting an NT4 share, when I try to browse, or anything for that matter, the Finder crashes. I tried a manual set-up with inconsistant results. It makes no differance how I try to look in it, Double-click, through a finder window with colums.