I've already done this by moving the frameworks in the Safari.app to the /Library/Framework folder.
Safari looks first in itself, then in the Library Folders for the WebCore.framework file. Safari still works great!
Unfortunatly quartz-wm does not support Sound (as in XMMS) at this time and when maximizing KDE or GNOME windows, the top (22 pixels) of the wondow are hidden under the Aqua Menu Bar. xDarwin also has full screen Option.
xDarwin is Better because it knows where the MacOSX menu bar is, and does not place KDE Windows under the menubar (i know about the prefs for KDE)
In X11.app ,the KDE and gnome WM, on MAXIMIZE the window headers are hidden VERY ANNOYING.
I've lost the URL on how to edit the menus to allow individual icon sizes in the finder. If you know the URL please drop me a note. I think it was on ResExcellence but I can't find where.