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  1. N

    OS X Logon

    Silly me!!! Always thinking in Bills'n'Bits... :) in Unix there is still the root... Just found this over at macworld, following the single-user path: Quote:... In Unix there are two ways to re-gain access to your system: 1. You may still have your root password but have...
  2. N

    OS X Logon

    I know its dangerous, thats why I burned my fingers...:rolleyes: Bach to real: Unfortunatly, I only upgraded from 9.1, Installed 1 Administrator Account (for installing Samba X), and left the Root alone...until today, when I had to change Names for Network-Reorganisation reasons. (As I am a...
  3. N

    OS X Logon

    Im to small...:D
  4. N

    OS X Logon

    I've done the following: Using the Admin-Tool Net(something) I changed my Logon-Name (leaving everything else the same). Then I logged out and tryed to log in again: Now if i log in with the new Name, the Logon-Screen disapears, HD works for 5 sec, then I find myself by the logonscreen...
  5. N

    NO OS X on intel petition

    Since I write programs on both (Intel and PPC) some notes about OS X on PC... Mac: Standard Hardware provided by Apple. Easy one solution for all Mac problems. Easy GUI. Fast. . Userprofile: I don't want to know anything Hardware Os or Apps as long it runs (fast).(now I'm talking about OS9)...