Quite a few new features ...
Free Download / Single of the Week
iMix - Publish your playlists
Music Videos Page - page dedicated to music videos
Movie Trailers - trailers from apple.com now in iTMS
Radio Charts - displays top radio songs in the browsing window by...
There's an interesting article in the new issue of Money magazine regarding Apple's financial situation/market share. It mentions how in 1996 Jobs turned the company around, from a year of loss to a year of gain ($600 million). The writer also mentions the release of the iPod mini, and that...
Hmm ... I'm not sure if this is a new feature or not, but if while browsing macosx.com (or possibly other forums) you hover over a thread, you get a tool tip that contains the entire post (first), without having to click on the link.
Maybe Apple will incorporate it into the iTMS ... when you buy a song it will include artwork to burn onto the disc, much like the cover art. One thing that disappoints me with the cover art they include, is that there is no print feature to make your own cover art ... besides the artwork isn't...
Not sure if anyone has seen this yet, but check it out, it's pretty cool:
It's invented by HP, so maybe when it does debut, it will debut in a Mac.
I'm pretty sure it does. I read on the site descriprion something like, "If your recording is not long enough, just extended by making it a loop."
My big question is whether or not GB will work with USB/FW DAW controllers, like my Tascam US-428. I know I'll be able to use it as a soundcard...
I find this quite amusing. That's like saying, "Welcome to my security free store, take whatever you want, just put the money in the jar at the front of the store." Besides, P2P was around way before Kazaa, they just reinvented the wheel.
Hmm ... does anyone know how a commerical DVD is produced? They are usually well over 4.7 GB and the commercial DVD duplicators don't use a blue laser. I think I read somewhere that they are dual layered, as opposed to dual sided. It seems they've been around long enough and should have come...
Just speculation, but seeing that Apple was a pioneer in introducing DVD burners, I bet that Apple will be the first to introduce higher capacity DVD burners ... like 9.8 GB capacity burners. What do you all think? Have prices come down enough to make them economical? Maybe we'll see these...
I agree with solrac's idea. Web browsing should be left to Safari. However, perhaps better Finder integration in Safari could help. Suppose there was an option in Safari to have a side pane, or drawer, that contained a hierarchial (sp) listing of your hard drive, that way you could just drag...