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    adsl probs

    One of the things to try if all else fails is to reset your modem...
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    classic: adsl fails?

    Tried both without success Anyway, thanks...
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    classic: adsl fails?

    Tried both without success Anyway, thanks...
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    classic: adsl fails?

    Adsl works under osx and under MacOs 9. It does not work in the Classic environment under osx.
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    classic: adsl fails?

    AKAdmiral: >What apps do you want to use ? Irrelevant: the problem is consistent >If you get an online connection going classic >apps can use the OS X connection (unlike like in >the PB) if I am not mistaken This is what I expect; it does not work.
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    classic: adsl fails?

    AdmiralAK asked: >Hmmm if it works in OS X and you are using OS X >why would you need to do it under classic ?? Some apps have not yet been ported to osx...
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    classic: adsl fails?

    AdmiralAK asked: >are you rebooting into OS 9 or just using classic >under OS X? I use the classic environment under os x
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    classic: adsl fails?

    Adsl works in osx by pptp-gui, but it does not work in Classic. Any clue?
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    Where/how to CustomInfo.plist?

    I created a CustomInfo.plist property list with document types for my application. However, nothing indicates that it is read, also the documentation is inconsistent on where it should be located. Any clue?