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  1. T

    ~username someTimes = not respond?

    Anyone seeing this? every once in a while - when Im trying to access a webiste set up on Apache in 10.0.3... If I type in (for example) (but leave out the "/" at the end) I get this error: not respoding. When I type in the full address including...
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    network identity / IP

    I have yet to see my IP address show up under Network Identity (in the Sharing control panel)... Anyone else see this happening? I activate all the sharing features (web server, FTP, Telnet) - they seem to work...but the IP address never shows in that area. Anyone?
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    vBulletin on OSX?

    Anyone get vBulletin running on OSX? Im about to try it out and dont want to waste a bunch of time if its not working yet.
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    And now, the disappearing mouse!

    Ive seen this happen on on a powerBook pismo - booting off a FireWire drive wiht NO other OS installed... Fully OSX....not a hint of classic. Ive only seen it once...I think it was after the screenSaver was running. Tj
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    Webserver stalling?

    Anyone have any ideas on why the webserver might stall out every once in a while? It has times when it just doesnt respond - even though it was set up properly and worked a few minutes earlier. Ive set the powerManager stuff to only dim the screen - both the hard disk and the computer are...
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    OSX over Airport + FTP + SSH?

    heres the issue. Everything - works fine....on 'one' condition.....You DONT re-open the network panel once you have rebooted. On reboot with all settings activated - it works fine. The moment I open the Network panel - the webserver stops working....Untill you reboot again. Looks...
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    OSX over Airport + FTP + SSH?

    Hi Ive set up my Pismo Powerbook - with OSX (latest build .3) - The powerbook has an airport card in it - and is assigned an IP address manually (as are all the other machines on the network). Ive gotten the webserver to work fine (with some strangeness) - seems I had to activate...
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    thanks... Im assuming I change the permissions on the actual executable file? (.cgi) Another weird thing is that changing settings on the webserver control panel - doesnt seem to affect the apache.conf file....Where is the control panel storing its values? thanks again! Got the...
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    Has anyone gotten CGI to work with the installed Apache on OSX? If so can you detail how you did it? The default install does not seem to allow standard CGI... Tj