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  1. C

    syntax coloring

    Errata Corrige: download here the project center
  2. C

    syntax coloring

    just look on .... and download the projectbuilder for is gpl.... the syntax highlighting there is pretty good ..... you will just need to make somes little modification to have it on your text editor
  3. C

    PID Extraction

    ps aux | grep <process name>
  4. C

    recording sound from cocoa?

    The macosX is an unix you must have in the /dev directory a special file who reppreset the microphone.... you can read from this file....and write in an other file (a normal file).... you can use NSFileManager or NSPipe..... i must say that i don't have try i...
  5. C

    "If", a string, and NSTextField in Cocoa

    I have learn the obj C ...and cocoa..only using the "Developper help center".....if you nedd me... will try to answer) PS: excuse me for my english ..i'm italian...:D
  6. C

    "If", a string, and NSTextField in Cocoa

    you can use : - (IBAction)registerAction:(id)sender { NSString *code = @"dxs-ce-01-12345"; if ([[registerField stringValue] isEqualToString:code]) { do something here.... } }
  7. C

    What Kind of App are you working on?

    i'm working on an ide for the MzPlasm language... this application work with socket and perform the syntax highlighting.... someone can help me with the document based application?
  8. C


    how i can handle the keydown event on a textview.... i want create an editor with syntax highlighting
  9. C


    i'm writing an application socket-based, i need to set some preferences ( local/remote, url of server and other). Somebody can help.
  10. C

    Command line executables..?

    if you are using a terminal...and you want launch an application from it, ( ex temp :the application you have compiled) you must write the complete path of the application you want launch ex: 1) the application is in the current directory: ./applicationName...
  11. C

    Simple Cocoa App question

    you must create an outlet to the nstextview....(using IB) the write it: [outlet_name insert:aString]
  12. C

    an editor with MLTE

    i have a little problem with the mlte .... Can somebody help me ? i have create a window with IB but i don't know how use the MLTE engine to generete an editor in this window