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  1. E

    OS X & mounting AppleTalk or Netware network drives

    Hmmm... I think I'll wait for someone else to get around to porting it. Though, if I ever find enough spare time, I'll tinker with it. ncpfs... will have to d/l and see what can be done with it (I presume it requires too much techno-geek Linux/UNIX knowledge though). For transfers all I need...
  2. E

    OS X & mounting AppleTalk or Netware network drives

    Ok, a two part question: (1) AppleTalk not over TCP/IP. Is anyone aware of an OS X solution to allow OS X to mount Classic or OT AppleTalk network drives? (2) Netware 3.12. Again, does anyone know of a way to mount Netware drives on OS X? I'm sure there have to be *nix services which will...
  3. E

    Changing screen size/resolution in "Settings"

    Ok, I pulled pins 4, 11, 12 and 15 from my SVGA male-to-female adapter and succeeded!!! My monitor is now simply recognised as a VGA monitor and I can chose whatever screen size I want within the limitations of the video card (ATI RAGE 128 16 MB). It is a simple solution and cheap without the...
  4. E

    Changing screen size/resolution in "Settings"

    Hello everyone, I hope those of you who are suffering from this screen-size annoyance have subscribed to this thread for notification. I actually have a (potential) $5 CDN ($3 US) solution to the problem of unwanted plug-and-pray signals. For $5.75 CDN I picked up a (new) male-female SVGA...
  5. E

    Why would someone not upgrade?

    Aaargh, too late. I didn't make it to the gym today and this is my punishment! Splat. And, to reiterate a point I've reiterated to death, that's the bulk of OS X's target audience. Valid point re: quality GUI, my apologies. I am *grateful* I have no experience running *nix X windows. I'm...
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    Why would someone not upgrade?

    Ah, the joys of coming from Linux. As time passes more OS X users will be former Mac OS 9 users, and, unlike Linuxers we tend to be a more picky lot and demand a little more from our software's interface (considering OS X is an OS for which you have to pay and Linux is free, and its GUIs are at...
  7. E

    Dock in right side of menu bar

    Yeah, I get the amusing feeling that the dock will improve to the point that it's a modification on the OS 9 Application Switcher :) ;). Seriously though, I've been giving the dock a lot of thought since I've tried to get used to it. To make OS X/the dock usable I've all but turned the dock...
  8. E

    Changing screen size/resolution in "Settings"

    Hi Sprague, you might want to shorten your signature a tad... it's longer than your message in lines. Anyway, I found this at SVGA DB 9 pin to High Density 15 pin Cable Pinout DB9 pin Connects To Hi-Density 15 pin SHELL = SHELL PIN 1 = PIN 1 PIN...
  9. E

    Changing screen size/resolution in "Settings"

    I'm not keen to be playing with the monitor's cable just yet since it's got a three-year warrantee and I have a sneaking suspicion that ripping out a pin would void it! But, thanks for the info. There are little boxes that you can buy to do exactly what you are proposing to do (about 2" x SVGA...
  10. E

    Why would someone not upgrade?

    In a recent article that was linked to off one of these messages (can't remember where or who), the #1 complaint Apple had on OS X was its slow response time. Guess what #2 was? The dock! It seems people aren't in love with it as much as I was led to believe (much to my relief). The concept is...
  11. E

    Changing screen size/resolution in "Settings"

    Yes, I tried a few tactics: 1. change settings under OS 9.04 with BBEdit Lite 4.6 and boot into OS X 2. change settings under OS X with TextEdit, logout, login 3. change settings under OS X with TextEdit, restart No success. What is interesting is that the files are *not* changed to...
  12. E

    Changing screen size/resolution in "Settings" Hello, ya'll, I did a screen size change and figured out two files were changed: & another by the same name. \username\library\preferences\byhost\ (don't remember it's full name... this is it's OS 9 name)...
  13. E

    I.e 5.11

    Now it's time that iCab Preview be included in the software updates as an alternate, high quality browser!!! It's fast, small, not M$ Exploder & a lot more powerful & customisable. Plus, the guys at are very active and update their software regularly. ERic.
  14. E

    Take a look my Deaktop

    MSA, what's the bar on the right side of your screen? Is it the dock moved, or is it some other app? If it's the dock moved, how did you do that? Also, is the application switcher menu ASM 1.1.1 or some other app? Thanks, Eric. PS IS MSA the inverse of what I think it is ;)
  15. E

    Dock in right side of menu bar

    If Apple doesn't do the evolving others certainly will. BTW I found something that gave me hope: ASM 1.1.1 (Application Switcher Menu) resurrects the ASM from OS 8/9 in its original form (now we need the old application switcher back & I'll be happy).
  16. E

    Why would someone not upgrade?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you'll find that most objectors to OS X are not objecting because they want to stay with OS 9. It's because [in my case definitely], as it stands, it's a beta product with the typical problems of a beta, and has a rough interface. Had it been released as a...
  17. E

    Dock in right side of menu bar

    Please, tell me how to delete the dock. You are forced to use it, like it or not. There's no way to hide it fully. Having it pop-up whenever you pass the cursor over the bottom of the screen is a pain in the ars! And, in fact someone did make something better. Apple did it with the...
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    Why would someone not upgrade?

    One last reason for not upgrading to OS X: Kensington hasn't made available MouseWorks for OS X for download ;) My TurboMouse 4 button ADB is critical to me being able to carry out every-day tasks (since I have my buttons programmed to do a wide variety of tasks... command-click in internet...
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    Why would someone not upgrade?

    Why would I not upgrade?/What is a barrier to upgrading? #1 GUI is sloppy for a commercial grade product (see my other thread with a poll) #2 GUI is too graphiced (fonts too big, fonts not customizable, pictures too large) #3 GUI is too slow, even on a half-decent PPC (G3/450 192 MB RAM, 16...
  20. E

    Poll - will OS X succeed?

    Hi plaid pajamas, Eric here (ergo er): It's amusing but that's what is beautiful about OS 8/9 (& even Windoze) to me. I can drop a file on an icon on the desktop. My desktop is always cluttered with icons. Aliases to my often used apps fill the top left corner of my screen in a *set*...