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  1. cavneb

    Postgres, Python and PyGreSQL

    Can anyone help me compile PyGreSQL to work on my Mac OSX 10.3.2? I have tried everything and it still won't work. Thanks, Eric
  2. cavneb

    iSync error when syncing with .Mac

    I downloaded the beta iSync today and found that I am unable to sync with my .mac account. I click on the .mac icon and it says "before you sync, you need to register..." So i click on the register button and type in the name of my computer. Then I click "Continue" and it comes back with an...
  3. cavneb

    freeware vs. shareware.. i'm torn

  4. cavneb

    freeware vs. shareware.. i'm torn

    the new app will contain dvd, video, cd and book cataloging i think thx for the support and advice, both of you :) i learned a lesson this time :) eric
  5. cavneb

    freeware vs. shareware.. i'm torn

    Hey all... I just recently released an application that I wrote that manages dvd collections, and lets you log who is borrowing them at the time. I wrote it mainly for myself b/c of my huge number of dvd's, but I thought that I'd post it on to let others use it, and send...
  6. cavneb


    fear the sony vaio one tip also.. our company has purchased 5 sony vaio's (all different models) in the last 2 years, and every one of them have broken down. If i was to buy a pc laptop, i'd definately go hp eric
  7. cavneb

    ibook in dock mode

    the only solution to that that i've found (and it's not really a solution) is to turn the brightness all the way down on the ibook and hope that it doesn't close all the way. kinda dumb that apple didn't build that feature into the laptop. does tibook do this? eric
  8. cavneb

    10.2.1 stable

    The only weird thing that has happened recently to me (and i doubt it's related) is that my firewire external drive doesn't show up on my computer anymore, but when I unplug it or turn it off, I get a popup window on the mac saying that it wasn't unmounted successfully. works on my ibook...
  9. cavneb

    DVD-R write tme for 2X

    I burned a dvd full of mp3's and it took about 20 minutes. That was filling the 4.7 gig. pretty fast, actually. eric
  10. cavneb

    Can I use my clie as a webcam?

    This is the question that I see all over google groups but nobody seems to be able to answer it. Does anyone know if I can use my Sony Clie PEG-NR70V/E as a webcam (PC or MAC)? I'd love to be able to do this. ::eek: eric
  11. cavneb

    gvim from external server

    I know that it is possible to run gvim from a server and have it display on your own screen by exporting the DISPLAY param and other stuff. Does anyone know how to do this? I work on a server that's on a different local IP, and I'd love to be able to GVim the files instead of just vim...
  12. cavneb

    once and for all: vim coloring on XFree86

    Using Terminal 1.3, Mac OSX 10.2 (jaguar) and the bash shell, this worked for me fine: Create a file in your home directory called ".vimrc". Enter the following 2 lines: set term=builtin_beos-ansi syntax on After this, whenever i Vim, it shows color syntax. :p eric
  13. cavneb

    Losing software when upgrading OS

    I was going to ask this question earlier on this forum, but I ended up finding out the answer with the help of Apple Tech Support. I bought a G4 933 and it came with Mac OSX 10.1.x. After installing 10.2 fresh, I lost a program that I wanted back (iDVD). They gave me a reference to an Apple...
  14. cavneb

    once and for all: vim coloring on XFree86

    what I ended up doing is using GLterm.. it supports color syntax with no config hacking. eric
  15. cavneb

    Export Address Book Vcards with Images?

    I have 2 computers that I would like to maintain the same address book. On one of the computers, I put images with all of the addresses, and then exported the vcards. When importing it into my other mac's address book, it doesn't import the images along with the cards. Is this possible...
  16. cavneb

    How do I set a CLASSPATH for java?

    another way that I found out, and which if found to be much easier, is to install bash shell and use that by default. It seems to me that the bash shell is TONS easier. with bash, i just insert into the .bash_profile the command: export CLASSPATH=:ext:name@server:/cvs/path :D :D :D
  17. cavneb

    How do I set a CLASSPATH for java?

    That worked! Thanks :)
  18. cavneb

    How do I set a CLASSPATH for java?

    I am run a program that's written in java, but I need to install a few API's to do so (JavaMail v1.2, Java Activation Framework v1.0). How do I set the CLASSPATH in the environment so that I can actually use these? Also, do I actually need to install the JAF or does OS X already have that...
  19. cavneb

    mysql dead (mysql.sock missing)

    i am having the exact same problem... :confused: