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  1. vienna01

    Unmask]unmask Command Doesn't Work???

    THANKS Of course that is why it CAN'T WORK. Thanks DELTAMAC
  2. vienna01

    Unmask]unmask Command Doesn't Work???

    CLOSED- THE COMMAND IS UMASK not UNMASK THANKS TO DELTAMAC ------------------------------------------ Maverick 10.9.3 using terminal. system doesn't recognize unmask command. even does find a man page for it. I tried several ways as seen in my screen capture. I tried using caps even though OSX...
  3. vienna01

    Terminal Inspector Problem -No Popup Shown

    I know that if I want to invoke TERMINAL INSPECTOR I can key CMD+I When I do that I do get the TERMINAL INSPECTOR with TITLE set to "TERMINAL" I don't see a POPUP menu that is supposed to let me set the TERMINAL INSPECTOR to "SHELL", "EMULATION" etc.
  4. vienna01

    Automating Execution of MP4 files (such as used for training videos)

    How can I automate the execution of each MP 4 file used typically in training videos? I use Quick Time to play the files now, but I have to click on each one, then click on the play arrow. When the file has completed playing, I have to close it manually. The files typically look like this...
  5. vienna01

    Lost Most Items Below the Black Apple - How to Get them Back

    I found a backup that did not have the problem of limited apple menu. I ran it before I saw your post. I did not have a chance to try fixing admin account or removing parental control. Thanks for the feedback. In addition to Time Machine I have scheduled full backups using Carbon Copy Cloner...
  6. vienna01

    Lost Most Items Below the Black Apple - How to Get them Back

    I used to have many items below the black apple icon at the top left of the screen such as "system preferences", "restart", "shutdown" and many more. Most of these are gone now. Only "about this mac", "force quit", "location", "log out" and "sleep" remain when I pull down menu items beneath the...
  7. vienna01

    Problem Changing Icon Image 10.8.3

    Thank you very much. I will rebuild Launch Services. I will use the to test images to see that they can be used as icons. You have been very helpful. I am closing the thread now.
  8. vienna01

    Problem Changing Icon Image 10.8.3

    Thank you DELTA MAC I now understand what was happening. Yes, I should have said it looks like the icon for Yes, it sometimes displays other text such as TIFF or PNG as you said. What kind of file should I use so that the system will recognize it as an icon and therefore not...
  9. vienna01

    Problem Changing Icon Image 10.8.3

    I have restated my problem in response to the first reply in this thread. Yes, I understand that Using Command C is capturing/copying onto the clipboard and Command V is pasting from the clipboard. When you say "can also use a normal image", what do you mean? Do you mean a JPG or PNG file...
  10. vienna01

    Problem Changing Icon Image 10.8.3

    The attached images were not those I used in real use of my OSX system. The images attached to my posting were extracted from screen captures. I had trouble finding and capturing the real image examples. I think I understand your comments. Unfortunately I think I did not explain my problem...
  11. vienna01

    Problem Changing Icon Image 10.8.3

    To change an icon, I use "get info" Then I drag the replacement icon over top of the existing icon in the get info screen. Sometimes[rarely] I get the expected behavior: The image I want to use is now the icon associated with the file[such as the ico for an app. That only happens with some...
  12. vienna01

    Can't Unlock Keychain After Using Migration Assistant -10.8.3

    I could not find a fix searching. I installed a new copy of Mountain Lion 10.8.3 I used Migration Assistant to migrate everything. Everything seems to work except: Cannot Update/change/add to/ KEYCHAIN I CAN read all the entries. There is a "master" LOCK ICON at the top right corner. Each of...
  13. vienna01

    A MacBook without a Firewire port?

    Thanks. Apple does some silly things sometimes. I think this was silly.
  14. vienna01

    A MacBook without a Firewire port?

    My grandson has a Macbook 5,1 2GHZ Core 2 Duo It seems NOT to have a Firewire port. Is that correct? If so I am surprised. I have posted a photo he sent me.
  15. vienna01

    Can not read pdf documents fropm email

    SOLVED THANKS VERY MUCH FOR THE FAST RESPONSE. I removed the plug-in. When I right-clicked there wasn't any choice to download or view. When it left-click it started up the regular save or view feature of OSX. When I checked the box for view it displayed the pdf OK. Any idea why I don't have...
  16. vienna01

    Can not read pdf documents fropm email

    SOLVED-I cannot easily read .pdf attachments to email. I get the following error message. The pdf is not downloaded to the location where I told Firefox to save downloads. I use Firefox 12 and the Add-on "PDF Download". I have tried removing this add-on but it did not help. I am willing...
  17. vienna01

    Auto upper case first character on line-not wanted

    Yes I am running Text Expander. Yes I turned it off and problem went away. After you suggested Text Expander was possible cause: A search of the inet gave me a hint to cause of problem . Text Expander is source of problem. It has auto capitalization feature. I turned that feature off. SOLVED...
  18. vienna01

    Auto upper case first character on line-not wanted

    SOLVED: Text Expander Has Auto Capitalization Feature I Turned it Off. This is a strange behavior might be caused by some Firefox [version 3.6.25] setting or a Firefox add-on setting. Or maybe by some setting of LION. What can I do to find out and eliminate this problem? OSX 10.7.2 LION. Apple...
  19. vienna01

    Keyboard with no Fn Key-Is there substitute?

    Thabks. You explanation should be obvious to me but wasn't. Next time I am trying to follow instructions that include "press Fn key then press XX key". I'll just press the XX key.
  20. vienna01

    Keyboard with no Fn Key-Is there substitute?

    My keyboard is A1048 big & heavy but great feel typing. I have had instructions where the persons say press Fn then press another key. I wonder is there a general workaround for that if I have no Fn key?