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    If you wanna play with Open Firmware get access to there's plenty of information in there. Here you have an example:
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    Slow Internet

    First at all, what about your signal strength?? Are getting a good signal level?? Also you have to put attention about the distance between the wireless access point and your computer, maybe you move the computer arround, and some access points may vary the connection speed according to the...
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    Modem And Tiger Problem

    Hi, I heard arround there that were there problems like that with Tiger and communication devices such as modems. I got that information from a direct request from Apple, and they told me that they were working on it, and should be fixed in future releases or upgrades. i don't know if...
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    move/duplicate user accounts

    If you have an upgrated Operating system you can use /Applications/Utilities/Migration Assistant app. The only thing that you need is put your computer in target disk mode and connect it to the other computer. Of course you need FireWire ports on both computers.
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    Ibookg3 Dvd-r Problem

    Your COMBO drive should be capable of reading any DVD-r discs, so if your drive can read DVD-ROM discs maybe the problem could be the disc. I recommend you try with another DVD-r, I have seen issues like this related just to the disc, maybe the quality of the disc is not the best and usually...
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    Swapping harddrives from silver G4 to G5 (and viceversa)?

    All PowerMacs G4 have IDE/ATA hard drives, all PowerMac G5 have SerialATA hard drive, so a phisical swapping is imposible, the connectors inside the computer are different, so the answer is No, you can't. Maybe a good option is buying an external hard drive enclousure, so you can install the...
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    I have a Dual 2GHz G5, but System Profiler says I only have 1 processor

    Try to run Apple Hardware Test included in your installation Cds/DVds, and run the test on your computer. This software should report any hardware issue on your Mac. The Dual PM G5s are capable of running just with one processor even when the other one is damaged (well, not all the time), so...
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    Music gone in newest iTunes

    All the playlists inside iTunes and the whole organization of your music in iTunes are store in the file ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml. If you open that file even if you don't know so much about xml you can see something similar to the structure of your playlists inside that file...
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    My iMac won't let me in...

    First at all run Disk utility from the Installer CD, select First Aid and then Verify/Repair Permissions, after that try to reset your password, and reboot your computer from the hdd. Lets try that before reinstall your OS.
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    12" PB Combo Drive doesnt read CDs, reads DVDs and CD-R

    If you have an external hard drive try reinstalling a new operating system in that and then boot the computer from the external drive. If the problem persist maybe we are talking about a hardware issue. Actually you can search for a firmware update at but if you don't have luck I...
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    I Tunes Error Message -200

    Try login in as a different user with that you can see if the issue is an application problem or a problem in the preferences files. If you get the same problem in a different user account delete the iTunes application and download a new one an reinstall it.
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    Itunes 'unexpectedly quit'

    I forgot something, then reinstall the application :)
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    Itunes 'unexpectedly quit'

    I would try deleting the whole application. /Applications/iTunes, then delete ~/Library/Preferences/ and then try moving ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes 4 Music Library.xml
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    Disk Utility cannt mount Macintosh HD

    You can try DiskWarrior, Norton DiskDoctor, or Tech tool, for me the best is DiskWarrior, but, if that doesn't work and you want to recover the info try with an utility called DataRescue, then when you have recovered all your data you can re-format the HD.
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    Powerbook G4 15in Battery, how long do they last?

    If you have an Airport card or bluetooth try turning that off if you are not using it. Also non-self powered USB devices or FireWire devices reduces the life time of the battery. The average of the battery life is actually arround 2.5 and 3.5 hours. There is a tip to get info about the...