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    FAQ: IDVD ext Writer

    ah ok. I've been using iDVD 5, but 4 will be fine for what i need it for. i'll try that out. thanx for that.
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    FAQ: IDVD ext Writer

    yea, patchburn will allow you to use it to burn discs directly in iTunes and probably iPhoto, but it will likely NOT allow you to burn DVDs in iDVD. If anyone knows a way I would love to know. I have an internal superdrive in my eMac that is non-apple (Lacie dual-layer, (NEC)) I cannot use...
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    best TV to MAC solution?

    Unfortunately TV is only broadcast at this size (720x576 in EU and AU, 720x480 in US), and when you view a TV show (or DVD) on a computer screen - which has a much larger resolution - you have to streatch it. There is no product out there that can give you a "true" full screen, because it isn't...
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    iMac G5 auto-darkens, doesn't brighten up again

    You know how on an iMac (or iBook for that matter), before it turns the screen off altogether, it darkens the screen to conserve energy? Well often on my iMac it will auto-darken to about 70% brightness, and when I move the mouse it will auto-brighten again to 100%, but them moments later...
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    Airport Exteme works only half the time on my new iMac!

    I've fixed the problem. thought I should post what I did in case future ppl have the problem. Ridiculously simple solution. All I had to do was to turn on "use interference robustness" in the Airport drop-down, and I haven't had a problem at all since. I didn't know what it was, so I never...
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    Anyone recommend some speakers for iMac?

    thanks for the advice guys. I will probably go with the creature IIs. :)
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    Anyone recommend some speakers for iMac?

    Loving my new iMac G5, but the speakers - understandably - lack bass and pretty much suck in general. so...can anyone recommend some speakers? I don't want a $1000 job - all I need is some stereo speakers with decent bass. Looking to spend no more than $200 (Australian) if possible. Had...
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    Airport Exteme works only half the time on my new iMac!

    thanx for the help delsoljb32. certainly possible. The wall has no pipes or anything, but there are a lot of corless phones, mobile phones etc. floating around the house. I guess I just thought seeing as the eMac worked fine when it was in the same spot, the iMac should be the same. Then...
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    Airport Exteme works only half the time on my new iMac!

    2 to 3 bars at least. I don't think it's a weak signal problem, because my eMac never lost a signal (and the iBook is in the same place as the eMac was). Plus, my iBook G3 with an old Airport card has full bars all the time, even when placed farther away than the iBook. The fact that I can't...
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    Airport Exteme works only half the time on my new iMac!

    I recently got my shiny new iMac G5 20", which I have fallen in love with. Unfortunately the honeymoon is over, and we are having our first fight. I took my Airport extreme card out of my eMac and put it into the iMac. It works ok sometimes, but other times no matter what I do, it won't...
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    Help With Buying An External DVD Player

    LaCie <> are a good place to start. They're one of the few 3rd party brands that make for-Mac hardware. They are pretty expensive though. Not sure about USA prices, but here is Australia it's hard to find an external below $250-$300. I should say though that I have had problems...
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    Lacie External HDD no longer mounts

    Figured out what the problem was. Turns out it wasn't the Mac afterall. The HDD itself is fine, but the casing is dead. Either the powersuppy is broken or the cable. Anyway, I borrowed a friend's external HDD and swapped HDDs. The Lacie one mounted fine when using the other casing, thus it...
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    Lacie External HDD no longer mounts

    "What we did finally discover was that writing OS 10.3.x to a drive 'gone south' completely resurrected it." Is that suggesting I install 10.3 to the External HDD, or re-installing 10.3 to my internal HDD do you think? Coz it seems a little dumb to be suggesting you install something to a...
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    Lacie External HDD no longer mounts

    no, disk util can't see it. so strange. what could have happened, do you think? I could undertsand if i dropped it or something...
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    Lacie External HDD no longer mounts

    Hello! My Lacie External Firewire HDD (porche design model) no longer mounts on my eMac G4 800. I turn it on but nothing happens. This is very strange because I only used it about 2 hours agoto back some files up, and have never had any problems with it in the 8 months i've used it...
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    Safari only opens pages on the second try

    Hello, For some reason, often when I click on a link to a page in Safari, it comes up with a 'cannot find server' error. However, if i click on the same link again, it works, and will continue to work thereafter. It happens on most sites - especially those I haven't been to recently (or...
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    iDVD stuck on Stage 4 (Multiplexing & Burning)

    Yeah, might try that. Thanks so much for all your help every1. :)
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    iDVD stuck on Stage 4 (Multiplexing & Burning)

    sorry took me so long to reply. here is what System Profiler says: ------------- START --------------- _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A: Manufacturer: _NEC Model: _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A Revision: 2.05 Serial Number: Drive Type: CD-RW/DVD-RW Disc Burning: Not Supported Removable...
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    iDVD stuck on Stage 4 (Multiplexing & Burning)

    Guy at AppleStore said the LaCie drives work 100% the same as a SuperDrive that comes with a Mac. It is recognised by fine by iDVD without PatchBurn (never heard of it actually, what does it do?), just seems to have problems burning. Works fine on all other Apple apps too like DVD Player...
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    iDVD stuck on Stage 4 (Multiplexing & Burning)

    it's one very big problem though, and a common one also. to update: i have tried deleting preferences/updating iDVD/changing network config etc... no luck. i've found another issue though. once it has been stopped, my DVD drive disappears, and cannot be detected until restart. I have...