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    Oregon Scientific Drivers?

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    Apple Expo !

    sorry i thought it was obvious...i was talking about apple product like laptops. Thanks
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    Apple Expo !

    Hey guys i would like to know if anyone knows about discount at the Expo.. does anyone knows how much discount there is if you buy directly there? if any Thanks you very much Andy
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    Article: Microsoft stealin other ppls technologies? ... not a surprise

    "Bye bye, "Microswipe"! EDIT: Anyone seen "Pirates of the Sillicon Valley"? It's about how Microsoft stole from Apple, go pick it up." Yeah just as ,uch as Apple stole from Xerox.. also featured in the movie.. stop botching about what MS did.. apple did it as well... we all know the...
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    Brushed metal initiative

    just to clarify someone s else post before FINDER IS COCOA NOW
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    Strategy: porting iTunes for Windows to impose QuickTime

    They could just embed the engine in iTunes... no real need for full QT.... they only need the engine.. since it is a complete revrite of the app... cause there is no itunes for win.. they could just go on and embed it.... just a thought
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    No One Mentioned This!!!!

    Also no one posted news on the new ownership and permission...that now states... YOU CAN and then READ /Write ... r only read...blah blah blah.. Finallyy i know what i can do EDIT Also i am amazed no one mentioned the OPTION restore from disk utilitylet you restore from a...
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    Panther, How fast does it "Run"

    X.3 for a beta is very fast AND VERY stable.. yes it is my main OS on My iMac 700 Flat panel.. works as a charm.. and the thing flies on my Dual 867 .. on the pro note... TEXT EDIT saves as .doc files now... the office replacementst sounds near.. on the cons.. no colorsync... or at least i...
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    No One Mentioned This!!!!

    Or at least.. i havent been browsing here much lately but nowwhere in other site i have seen this thing... and i believe is QUITE important TEXT EDIT now has an option to save as RTF and DOC file.. i haven t seen this in Jag so i guess it is a new feature of Panther i guess it is a new...
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    Safari v80'll be burned into iiLife
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    Safari v80

    well first... let me answer to this... Geez, why are people so eager to download bootleg versions of stuff, whether it be software or music, before it's even complete? It won't work or sound anything like what it's supposed to, it may mess stuff up, and it takes too much time. There's...
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    Safari v80

    V80 is real... just not worthed the fuss... let s wait for the final shall we?
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    Safari v80

    Well.. it is nice to have V80... but i def not see the need for people to run looking for it.. pretty much useless ...everyone that reported a HUGE speed improvement.. well... they re fooling you.. there is a speed improvement.. but not that big.. as said before .. nice to have it... not to die for.
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    TiPaint SCAM

    I am a daily reader of your pages, I would like to point out something to you all since you guys . I saw around the web adv for Tipaint..and I thought ...WOW cool that 's whati I need.... That was till I actually ordered it.... Yes .. I ordered the combo on the 02/27/2003 ....and still haven...
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    I'll bet 15" AluBook out tomorrow.. (just a guess)

    it is Pole Position not POLL.... oh well.. anyway may be it's in pool position....
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    Freehand X + Suitcase X??? problem!!!

    so there is no actual way to make this work in freehand like it does in other prog??? so it is a Macromedia Fault??? Thanks for your answers