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  1. M

    man command > filename.txt question

    Is there a way to pipe text from man to a text file where text in bold doesn't appear as double letters when read with Example: [Cube:~] msents% man ls > ls.txt [Cube:~] msents% open ls.txt [Cube:~] msents% < opens ls.txt> LS(1) System General Commands...
  2. M

    AppleTalk Manual Configuration Failure

    Here is a problem- I manually configure the AppleTalk Node and Network ID to Node 1, Network 5000. This in turn matches the Network of all of the other AppleTalk devices on the network. The Node of course is unique to every device. X server insists on autonetting a net/node of 65450/249 (MacPing...
  3. M

    Q: dual nic configuration

    Does software exist that allows us to bind two NICs together (each separately addressed) under OSX <10.1.3> to double throughput? I know the option exists in the win2k world.