WANTED: Used Laptop


The All-Powerful Pie Nazi
(perferbably wiped)

the laptop MUST atleast fit these specs for me to consider

20GB hd
256 RAM

The reason I am asking is I would like to have a laptop, but I hate Windows, I Dont want to shell out a cool grand for an Apple, so i figured Linux would be good, so i tried it and loved it.

thank you.
i will take either mac or windows.

preferabily windows so i can put linux on it.
maybe a bit late....but there is a distro of linux for Macs, and its amazing! it's called Yellow Dog, search for it at linuxiso.org
well, update:

go a buch of free laptops from my grandfather, but thank you anyway.

btw, im using ubuntu.

the reason i want an old lappy is i want one for school, and i dont want to lay down a grand for an ibook
im getting a dell XPS(keeping)
a powerbook(keeping)
and a bunch of other random lappys, but the kids in my computer programming class take priority.

if there is anythign left i will let you know.