Recent content by Aenima

  1. A

    "Impossible to open Itunes with this version of Mac OS X"

    ok, that solution worked! I re installed osx and now everything's fine again, and the "about this mac" shows the version, too. thanx for the help!
  2. A

    "Impossible to open Itunes with this version of Mac OS X"

    First of all, thanx a lot for all your answers! Ok, I have tried to create another account, still not working. Here's what my "about this mac" looks like (french version): The "more info" button doesn't give me other infos about the version I have, and my OS is fully updated... I still...
  3. A

    "Impossible to open Itunes with this version of Mac OS X"

    nope, it's a regular serial, with letters and numbers... I know I have one of the latest version of OS X, but can't remember which one...
  4. A

    "Impossible to open Itunes with this version of Mac OS X"

    Apple Icon -> About This Mac just says "OS X" and there's the serial number And I think I have the latest version of Itunes... Maybe I have a hint on what happened: I dowloaded a homemade mp3 from a frend's server, and when the dowload ends, a "droplet" window opens... I think it's the last...
  5. A

    "Impossible to open Itunes with this version of Mac OS X"

    ok... I got the weirdest thing happening: I have no idea what I have done with my powerbook, but I haven't been able to launch Itunes lately... I get the "impossible to open Itunes with this version of MAC OS X" message when I try. What is that supposed to mean? It worked perfectly until...