For anyone still interested, I have just ordered a set of OS 10.4.3 discs from Operator Headgap Systems in Memphis, TN. They include updates to 10.4.11 and the nice lady is throwing in a copy of 9.2.2 to install over the OS on this machine that's so corrupt. She's very knowledgeable and friendly...
I mean the least expensive place, while still getting the real, genuine deal. This machine has some corruption problems on the 9.2 side, but I suspect that can be repaired by a service outlet and Tiger installed right on top of the 10.3.9 currently running. Here's the machine:
Currently on the 13th repetition with no problems: logic board Passed, memory Passed. I'll let it continue through about 20 loops.
I have another post regarding a screwed up OS 9.2 side. It's from May in the Mac Help Forums. Called 'Flashing Icon "Sick Mac/?/Sick....." Don't know whether...
I just tried that; new stick works fine solo; both sticks = immediate problems.
However, I also just ran Apple Hardware Test with both sticks in. Logic Board passed, and Memory passed. Now I don't know what to think. Neither does my eMac!
Aftermarket vendor is sending a replacement. Maybe the...
Sorry, I thought that info would appear when I entered it on the post form.
eMac G4, 1Ghz, Combo, now running 256MB
Machine purchased new Summer of 2003
I doubled the RAM from 256 to 512. Apple Profiler says I'm running two identical cards
Size: 256 MB
Speed: PC133U-333
...but as soon as I installed the second card, app's began quitting without warning. First Firefox; I noticed today Word quitting. Yahoo & Hotmail going away...
Same question for an older system. Besides this eMac, I also have a Performa 6360 with 136MB RAM + the Sonnet G3 processor upgrade (awesome!). I'd say it runs as well as that model could hope to.
My old IE 5.2 is about useless anymore. I'm not fully satisfied with the Netscape I'm using, but...
I booted up in OS 9.2 the other day -- I think I held down Cmd-Opt keys during start up, and the result was the flashing icon as described in this Subject line of this post. Luckily the install disc was in the drive and I was able to navigate around and reboot on it, then get back to OSX! Even...