Recent content by bbos

  1. B

    Are you sure you want to delete? y or!

    man rm # to tell you the argument Then you need to alias this in the ~/.tchrc file or ~/.bashrc or whatever: alias rm='/bin/rm -i $*'
  2. B

    How do I keep hidden DOS files hidden?

    There is a tool available with the Developers tool called "setFile" I think, where you can give it a -V or -v or similar argument. Unfortunately I don't work with OS X at work so can't be sure till I get home.
  3. B

    Download music and prepare to pay..Starting 25Jun03

    Most people are exposed to music through the radio, and generally most people need to hear a song a number of times to like and buy it. There are a number of radio networks in australia (ie. a station or two per major cities). If they teamed up with a site like or itunes...
  4. B

    Creature from the Fink Lagoon

    It might only be in binary form - hence the use of dpkg. "fink list xpilot" to see if in the stable path. If not it could be in the unstable path (not searched by default).
  5. B

    Anyone ever heard of an iClock?

    I bought 2 in London in 1999 - they had a countdown feature for the year 2000 (or any arbitrary date) and I thought they were quite slick. I gave one to my sister (a mac fan) and kept one for myself. Mine screwed up and hasn't worked since about 7/1/2000 but my sisters is still going.
  6. B

    Download music and prepare to pay..Starting 25Jun03

    The eff () has posted a bit of a spanner - They are actively working against the RIAA. My view on all this is that capitalism is killing the radio starrr. An interesting dilema is that we all want to make more money - including the record labels. So to quote Monty...
  7. B

    Apache problem in MAC

    Hi LogicMan, So if the URL has '/home' it doesn't find index.html, but if you have '/home/' it does find it? If so then that would suggest an Apache problem (/home should work if you've configured DirectoryIndex to look for index.html. Sorry, but I can't help much here! Cheers, Brooke
  8. B

    Newbie Shell Question

    fink list kde # good place to start and then do... fink install ? # for whatever it is you want to install (Don't forget to follow the install instructions and modify your .tcshrc file to source /sw/bin/fink.tcshrc or whatever it is. Do a: fink self-update # every now-and-then to keep...
  9. B

    Disk Copy error after Dev tools Dec 2002 update

    Dear all, I wanted to upgrade to Java 1.4.1 so I dl'd the dmg.bin file and burnt to CD. I then tried to install it, Disk Copy did its stuff (and mounted the dmg file), but the install complained that I needed the Dec 2002 developer tools. So I DL'd this file and burnt to a CD. I...
  10. B

    Breaking out the wallet...

    Yep Chaz, you may be last one laughing. Goodluck, Brooke
  11. B

    Breaking out the wallet...

    The G3/G4 was the introduction that produced the biggest spike, however this occurred during the tech bubble that burst soon after so it is really hard to say if the rise was due to the introduction or just the fever that was running wild at that time. As an Australian I'm always a little...
  12. B

    [HOWTO] Move the swapdir in Jaguar

    Great post Gatorparrots. I would recommend people only do this if they are atleast comfortable with the terminal application and know how to cd, rm, cp and mv. If you don't really know what you are doing you could hose your system (it would go "pear shaped" as Jack Meadows from The Bill...
  13. B

    Moving User directories

    Another method is to change /Users to be a symbolic link pointed to the new location where users home directories are. To do this you'd "ditto" as shown by gatorparrots to the new users directory (except you'd copy /Users to the new location) and then do a "ln -s <new users dir> /Users"...
  14. B

    Downloading software updates

    Attempted insulted accepted. Yep, I tried. I tried, click on Software, click on Jaguar Mac OS X 10.2, click Get Mac OS X Update 10.2.6 - takes me to the "software update" page. From software/jaguar .. page above, clicked on Downloads and no dl for 10.2.6 there...
  15. B

    Downloading software updates

    > give the list to your nearest Apple dealer, who will probably be happy to download them and burn them to CD for you, and should only charge the cost of the media. The net sucks (ie. low bandwidth) for most people in OZ. I tried this for the developers tools and the apple people told me...