Recent content by Brand0n

  1. B

    Windows Gaming on an Intel Mac

    running games through bootcamp on a intel mac is AMAZING but it will incorrectly read the RAM and hard-drive space available... for me i get no sound either but i dont use sound so i dont care and im to-lazy to install the drivers... anyways it works fine if you are willing to manually instal...
  2. B

    World of Warcraft graphics issue

    There is a graphics update designed for WoW and its free its somwhere on the apple website i forgot where though
  3. B

    Trade my PC for a Mac

    not to be mean but Good Luck finding any1 who is willing to part with a mac and get a windows!!!! but i would recommend selling it then buying macbook!
  4. B

    C++(CPP) Vs. Cocoa

    Well, it sounds like cocoa isnt all that useful! i thought it was a "special" language that was developed for ipod/iphone and stuff... at the most i "might" make a desktop app that calculates GPA for highschool students (well student haha just me) but only so that i have that sense of...
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    C++(CPP) Vs. Cocoa

    can anybody help me? im curious on whether i should start learning Cocoa or C++ first, im going to use Xcode and if all else fails im planning on learning pything... Im 16 and i have always been in love with Game Lvl Design but recently ive been looking at jobs and they want people fluent in CPP...