Recent content by brownidj

  1. B

    Problem with network symlink - help!

    OK, it fixed itself, I think. I changed location - and accessed a different network. The bad links went away... ...don't like not being in control though. Seems there is a requirement for a tool to clean up bad links, ie links that are not actually pointing anywhere, for whatever reason.
  2. B

    Problem with network symlink - help!

    Hi I am using 10.3.5 and have a problem with alias not being opened because the original item can not be found. I thought this had been solved in 10.2... ... but there you go. It would be great if I could remove the symlinks - but everything I've tried so far fails because the "device is...
  3. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    Arden - which quotations?
  4. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    Hmmm, they are as objective as maybe it is possible to get, but that doesn't mean that opinion doesn't creep in - it does. I just don't take anything as gospel - and I don't have a Reuters or AP feed. So everything I see is filtered...
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    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    All 'news' is an op/ed to some extent (;. If you don't believe me, just look at how the same story is reported by different news agencies/journos...
  6. B

    tired of having to use fn key on laptop

    This is my least favourite feature of Powerbooks. Probably time to write some software to deal with the problem. qwikstreet has got it absoutely right - geeeeeez, how many times a day do you adjust the brightness/volume or whatever? In fact, the current way round is just plain dumb... At the...
  7. B

    Safari and JS errors

    Apologies, didn't mean to rush ahead - even I've got trouble keeping up with myself sometimes, well, most days ;) Another day, another problem. Safari is great despite the minor limitations
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    Safari and JS errors

    Yeah, I've submitted one. It seems Safari is pretty compliant, but not good at XML...
  9. B

    Safari and JS errors

    I really, really need to be able to see js errors using Safari - anyone got any ideas on how I might do this?
  10. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    Arden, which bit of the OTs did the Palestinians give up willingly? Israel is in illegal occupation - are you surprised when the inhabitants of that area fight back? What would you do in a similar situation? Try to forget for a moment that it is Israelis, Jews and arabs... To think that the...
  11. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    In fact, if they are competent, then let me be incompetent for the rest of my life! (; Actually, to be serious, although it is only those who live there, and I no longer do, who can implement the solution, it is perhaps beholden on those on the outside to suggest a way forward and to oversee the...
  12. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    Hey, toast, let's put it like this. are we any less competent than the current protagonists? At least we're not killing people...
  13. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    Eretz Israel = 'greater' Israel. A large number of Israelis, including most members of recent governments, believe that Israel extends far beyond even its current borders (up to the Litani river in Lebanon, virtually to the gates of Damascus in Syria, to thhe Jordan rivers (and in some cases...
  14. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    So, toast, your bottom line is simply that Israel is more likely to annex the Occupied Territories, than not... Exactly my point. And then, what to do about the Palestinian population? I look at what people/populations actually achieve by their so-called democratic processes. That is is a...
  15. B

    Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

    In what respect am I wrong? If I were wrong, why do the Isralis accept a government that is hell-bent of prolonging the conflict? Or do you thing th notion of eretz Israel is a figment of my imagination? The only way Israel can expand its territory is by conflict - ergo it tries to prolong a...