Recent content by CJNE

  1. C

    Good text editor for XFree86

    If you don't want something with lots of features (i'd recommend XEmacs in that case) i don't really see any point in using X for it, i'd go for pico (terminal app, very easy to use and fast). If you do want it to use X, gEdit looks pretty nice. On the other hand, if you go for that you...
  2. C

    linux vs OSX performance comparissons?

    I started out buying a cube because i thought os x looked so cool. It was kinda cool at first but i soon got annoyed by small things like: * it's horribly slow * netinfo/hosts isn't working with bsd apps * almost no usable native apps * no virtual desktops ( lacks too much in...
  3. C

    Global key bindings

    I've been trying to find out how to register a global key combination from an application (trying to tweak What i mean is that i want it to be notified when for instance alt-1 keys are pressed, no matter what application is active. The apple documentation looks a bit unfinnished...
  4. C

    Global key bindings

    I've been trying to find out how to register a global key combination from an application (trying to tweak What i mean is that i want it to be notified when for instance alt-1 keys are pressed, no matter what application is active. The apple documentation looks a bit unfinnished...
  5. C

    Mac OS X wannabe questions

    That's pretty cool! But still, if you have that AND virtual desktops, wouldn't that be nice? :)
  6. C

    Mac OS X wannabe questions

    I don't quite agree with you on that. Even with high resolution virtual desktops adds alot of convenience. Imagine having Dreamwaver oen on desktop 1, Photoshop on desktop 2, XEmacs on 3, and lots (i do use lots!) of terminals on desktop 4. You do some html stuff in dreamweaver and realise you...
  7. C

    Does anyone know how easily OS X will fit in a common Windows office network?

    Actually, samba comes with a smb client, so you can go both ways with samba. And it's for free to :) I haven't tested smba on OS X yet (i don't even have a mac yet) but it works well for me on Linux. Have alook at
  8. C

    Mac OS X wannabe questions

    I've read up on it a bit, and if i got it right Darwin is pretty much plain UNIX. That would mean running telnetd/sshd (the daemons) wouldn't be a problem. This is cool :) virtual screens (or desktops) would be very nice (i'm addicted to it, run it on Windows too :P). It lets you have...
  9. C

    Mac OS X wannabe questions

    Hello, I'm considering to buy one of thoose G4 cubes for home, to run MacOS X. I don't know much about the OS more than that it's based on BSD UNIX, that's what made me interested. So please have patience with me if i ask dumb questions here. As of now i run W2k and mostly use it to run...