Recent content by Confusio

  1. C

    Can't connect to my own "Personal Website" - Help needed please!

    No EDCC, Just the link for the "Personal Website". If you have the time, please follow the links posted along with the text. They will take you to shots that might help you to visualize my issue better. And same result with localhost and Thank you.
  2. C

    Can't connect to my own "Personal Website" - Help needed please!

    Thank you EDCC, Yes I have tried that. The index.html in the Macintosh path is actually the one that I can see in "Computer's Website", because the ~Site/ folder was empty by the moment I set the Web Sharing ON for the first time.
  3. C

    Can't connect to my own "Personal Website" - Help needed please!

    Hi, I'm trying to run a personal server on my MAC. For that matter I have set ON the "Web Sharing" featured in "System Preferences> Sharing" (Web Sharing allows users of other computers to view web pages in the Sites folders on this computer) After doing this, I'm able to see the home page of...