Recent content by donmerlin

  1. donmerlin

    ggpjlprint print problem /Konica-Minolta

    The only mention of ggpjlprint I found on the web is at an old item: It doesn't look like there was ever some successful follow-up to that, so I wonder if the original poster just abandoned their Konica-Minolta...
  2. donmerlin

    ggpjlprint print problem with Konica-Minolta

    The only mention of ggpjlprint I found on the web is at an old item: It doesn't look like there was ever some successful follow-up to that, so I wonder if the original poster just abandoned their Konica-Minolta...
  3. donmerlin

    Network connectivity randomly shuts down

    I've tried both our tech mailing list and a Google search to find a good answer for my connectivity problem, but have not found a solution yet. I'm hoping someone here can help. I have had these freakish network outages on my G4 Quicksilver for awhile now (over a year). I'll be working...
  4. donmerlin

    iMovie HD not importing DV video from camera

    I just found this article that provides some various work arounds (as well as more details on the problem).
  5. donmerlin

    iMovie HD not importing DV video from camera

    Sadly, I experienced the same problem as you describe. I have been working on a project for several weeks now, using iMovie (from iLife '04) with no problems. I have to import a lot of video from my Sony video camera (TRV530), so I have the firewire cable hooked up. I made a terrible mistake...