Recent content by dsonnekus

  1. D

    cant transfer files to my hard drive

    OK, this paragraph, from the site, explains it: Many of you have probably noticed that we now have a commercially supported counterpart to NTFS-3G, Tuxera NTFS for Mac. Tuxera NTFS for Mac builds on the reliable NTFS-3G code base, but has several premium...
  2. D

    cant transfer files to my hard drive

    Some of the NTFS-3G versions requires one to buy a registration code, but I downloaded an earlier version from a link found at found at, and if I remember correctly it is free. The latest version is not free, but it...
  3. D

    cant transfer files to my hard drive

    If you need a very technical, but excellent comparison between the different applications that provide full read/write interactivity between a PC NTFS formatted external hard drive and your Mac, you can visit It becomes very...
  4. D

    cant transfer files to my hard drive

    Yes, you can use your ex-PC hard drive with your Mac, the solution was given earlier in this thread. Go to Google and search for NTFS-3G and download the free application and install it on your Mac. it will enable your Mac OSX operating system to read and write the files on the old PC formatted...