Recent content by Garulfo

  1. Garulfo

    vi syntax coloring

    This should be a better solution : in your .vimrc file write these lines " Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors " Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern. if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running") syntax on set hlsearch endif I've copied this from my file...
  2. Garulfo

    Help with a simple function in C

    Hum... you should get more information about me, before doing this kind of remarks. I was a programmer when you were a cute little baby ;) (you may be still cute, but you're not a baby anymore) And now I teach programmers to become better designer and programmer. However, as i said if i do not...
  3. Garulfo

    Help with a simple function in C

    I don't agree with you. As you could easily find in many manuals (Friedmann or Goodrich or Deitel for example) the more important is not the symbol uses during programmation but the clean explanation you have to do in comments. If you use a function named swap, it is your task to read...
  4. Garulfo

    Help with a simple function in C

    This is a better design for your function void SwapCards (card &card1, card &card2) { card temp_card; temp_card = card1; card1 = card2; card2 = temp_card; } and this is the example card card10, card20; card10.suit='c'; card10.rank=12; card20.suit='d'...
  5. Garulfo


    If you like this kind of game, you can always play to Enemy Territory. It's free, on Win, Mac, Linux...