Recent content by Gypsymoth

  1. G

    "Jesus Phone Needs An Exorcist"

    Amusing! Read this: More about it: And here:
  2. G

    Paypal Compromised

    For some eye-openers regarding PayPal, check out Makes for some really interesting reading.
  3. G

    MB Pro fans out, need help

    Unfortunately, it seems that overall quality control on Apple's 'books has been slipping in the last few years, and with MB Pro's tendency to run hot, problems seem to occur more frequently. The higher the temps, the more stress on electronics. And with MacBook fans running a LOT more often(as...
  4. G

    Bombing Britian

    Hmmm......MI5 busily at work, as usual? Both the UK and the USA are Hell bent on transforming their respective countries into Fascist Police States and need to create pretexts for doing so; instill fear in the population, manipulate them, and thereby massage them into becoming easily compliant...
  5. G

    Toll Booth

    No doubt one of the sheeple, who, having rushed down to their Apple Store to buy their new iPhone, was now rushing back to their neighborhood at 100 mph to show it off, all the while trying to figure out how to work its various features.:rolleyes: ;)
  6. G

    Should donating organs by compulsory?

    As a citizen of the United Snakes of America, where greed-gone-mad is practiced regularly and with the greatest of religious fervor, and money and property are valued far, far more highly than human well-being and welfare, I would consent to donate my offal, free of charge of course, ONLY if the...
  7. G

    MacBook Pro Bulge Problem

    Apple's quality control......slipping, slipping, slipping....sigh.... Ever since Apple moved its factories to China several years ago, with China's cheap 50 cents an hour labor, 60 hour plus workweeks and its workers getting No benefits whatsoever, overall quality has been going steadily...
  8. G

    A New Screen For My Powerbook...Whaddya Think?

    I've got a 17" Powerbook 1.5GHz which I've been using almost daily for about 6-8 hours at a stretch since I purchased it nearly 3 years ago. It still runs like a champ, the only problem I've had with it was a failed hard drive a year and half ago which was replaced under AppleCare. Currently...