Hi Mikuro:
Thanks for the info>
Tried to delete folders. It didn't solve the problem.
The problem is I can't boot to osx 10.3
I am going to get a fire wire and another Mac and try the target mode. I wonder if I can format the HD in the single user mode?
Thanks again
Hi Tracy:
I tried everything but no luck. I did learn how to delete files though.
I am waiting for a firewire cable and another mac to try the target mode.
Thanks for the info
I have an I book G4 With a full disk that wont boot. When I boot from the Opt key three icons show up. The HD icon which is X'd out the same with the Osx 10.3 software icon and the osx 10.3 hardware icon that has no X. clicking on the hardware test is the only one that works and everything...
I expect OSX10.3 panther Monday. The problem is I will only have disk one of two. do you think I will be able to clean out the waste basket with the one disk?
When I booted to the desktop I moved a lot of files to it but I could not empty it. I tried the single user mode and it...
Thanks for the info:
I am trying to locate someone with another mac to try the target mode.
Also My daughter found one disk for her Ibook G4. I am told there were two disk. It will take a few days to get here disk, she's on the other coast.
Thanks again. I will keep you informed
Hi Giagura:
Thanks for the info I will try to get another Mac to use the target mode.
Will I be able to unload some files even though Osx is not loaded on the target Mac.
I have acquired an ibook G 4(late 2004). It did not come with the start up disk (OSX 10.3 Panther). This is the first time I have tied to use a Mac.
I tried several times to boot. Finally it booted to the desk top. The HD was full (30 MB).
I sent several .JPG files to the waste basket , but...