Recent content by javanai

  1. J

    url of my serveur web?

    Thanks. I now see I was a bit vague. Ok here's the situation. I'm a teacher experimenting with the use of computers in class. I've got a small computer room with 12 computers linked on a Lan network each with a static IP. I would like to use my computer as a serveur. I use OSX10.2 with the...
  2. J

    url of my serveur web?

    I'm writing a small programme that will be launched on several machines on a LAN and I would like to use my apache/php/mysql serveur to collect data. Does anyone know the url that I should use?
  3. J


    directory created, php functioning correctly thanks for the tip
  4. J


    I'm running on osx and my php module does transfer my variables. I'm using the attached php.ini which works perfectly on a friend's machine. I've tried putting it in usr/lib and usr/lib/php. Is there another reason why I can't transfer? It's a bit frustrating because without this functioning...
  5. J


    I'm on the point of installing webmin but I'm not sure about two points. Aparently during the installation I'll need, the TCP port that the Webmin web server will listen on and the Web server hostname (The hostname of the machine on which Webmin will run).
  6. J

    Htaccess files

    'Fully' operationally thanks everyone :D
  7. J

    Htaccess files

    I use htaccess/htpasswd files on my site and since having changed from PC to mac have come up with a small problem; I can't see my htaccess files. How can I make them visible in Osx? Or is there another way of treating this problem?
  8. J

    Can't connect to local MySQL

    merci It daeom server wasn't activated. Your help was much appreciated. j :D
  9. J

    Can't connect to local MySQL

    Hi people, I running on 10.2 and installed the mysql-3.23.52.pkg which I downloaded from When I try and communicate with mysql I get this message Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) can anyone help?