Recent content by johnd0e

  1. J

    C++ reset read pointer

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to reset the read / write pointers of an fstream (ios::in|ios::base|ios::binary) to 0 without the use of seekp(0)/ seekg(0). (This is a small part of an assignment I have not been able to solve or find any clue on how to attack this problem. The rest is...
  2. J

    mount Shares according to location

    Hi everyone, Recently I added a small Debian "server" to support my powerbook when being at home. Mounting the shares (iTunes/iPhoto Library, Backups, Documentation) manually / using a small perl script works without any problems, but tends to get on my nerves. Which is the best way to...
  3. J

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    Has anyone ever managed to get gphpedit to work under MAC OS X? I just tried (after taking a look at it on my buddies`linux box) and I couldn`t get the required libraires installed.... :( If anyone can give me a clue on how to get thios fantastic app working, I`d really appreciate it..
  4. J

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    You might want to take a look here: or here (easier way) Hope it helps a bit
  5. J

    Gentoo's portage for OS X (download link insiiiide)

    just installed it and now running 'emerge sync'... I ran into a few problems getting the whole thing running, despite the very good readme from robbins >> # cp /usr/lib/portage/pym/*.py /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ I don't have python installed in /usr/lib, it rather resides in...
  6. J

    Java : insert line into file

    Thanks, I`ll take a look into it :)
  7. J

    JBuilder X for OS X!

    I`ve been using JBuilder 9 for the last few months on my pb, before switching now to JBUilder X. JBuilder X installed just fine, after I deleted all files from JBuilder 9. If you want to try tio use JBuilder 9, take a look here ...
  8. J

    My first Perl

    Hi, try to use the following (in to determine where exactly your perl executable is which perl In a "normal" Mac OS X it should (afaik) give you the following output: /usr/bin/perl So you might want to try and change your script as shown below...
  9. J

    Java : insert line into file

    Hi, I recently started learning Java and now am stuck with a problem I have not been able to figure out for nearly 3 weeks now. The app: When finished it shall be used to manage DVD Collections, saving the information in an XML file. The status quo: Reading the XML file into a special...