Recent content by jpblock

  1. J

    Menus in 10.2 Mail

    To clarify, the directory you rename is in ~/Library, not Basically you're forcing to recreate virgin preferences and download your IMAP mail again. This should fix any corruption. jpb
  2. J

    Menus in 10.2 Mail

    I had a weird problem with Mail after I upgraded to Jag. I use IMAP, so I just quit Mail, moved ~/Library/Mail to ~/Library/Mail-10.1, and restarted Mail. Everything worked ok after I recreated the IMAP accounts, then I copied Signatures.plist and MessageSorting.plist from the old Mail-10.1...
  3. J

    Speed of a G4 Ti 400 Powerbook with 10.2?

    Bebox is right. My Ti400 feels considerably peppier with Jag.
  4. J

    remote hostname in terminal title bar?

    If you're using bash for a shell now that it ships with Jag, add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile and it will update your Terminal title bar, in addition to your shell prompt. # add me to ~/.bash_profile # start here PS1='[\u@\h:\w]\$ ' export TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u@\h:\w \007\]' #...
  5. J


    If you're willing to have to play it on a computer and not any random DVD player, encode them to QuickTime files and burn the DVD in data mode. Or am I misunderstanding what you want?