yes my g5 has a dvd drive. Could I buy disk warrior to fix the problem since its cheaper? Would I be able to run it without booting up to system and would disk warrior run from bot to fix the problem?
If I bought the newest mac os x OS would I be able to boot from it and run disk utility to make the disk utility work? And furthermore could i update with out losing my files?
And if the disk utility doesnt work could i update the os and would that fix the problem anyway?
then I must be wrong and I havea 10.2.7 or whatever it is. I thought thats what I have but if it counldnt be then I dont know whati t is. But in anycase, how would I fix my problem?
i tried resetting the pram
i also tried fsk and it didnt work?
People tell me disk utilty will fix thep roblem but i cant get in my computer to get to it!! Is there any boot disk I could make to use disk utility or something?
I dont have the mac os x disk either so I cnat use that.
Thanks for the insight sir. I have a g5 mac os x 10.0.1 with a 1.5 processor and 160 gigs.
I cant even get into the computer at all. SO I dont know how I would possibly be able to do that maintance script if that could repair my problem.
Like I said the screen is just blue where the...
Long time windows user and first time mac user. I got a g5 simply becasue after doing research it just made sense.
In anycase i have a problem that I thought was a virus, until after reading the virus sticky that revealed it not to be true. Now I'm all kinds of confused.
Here's the...