Recent content by kgcobb

  1. K

    iPhoto troubles in Tiger 10.4.0

    Fryke: The guy at SuperDuper really helped me out--way beyond the call of duty, which is more than I can say about many of the big software vendors out there. Maybe I am not as mac-sophisticated as you but I appreciate good support when I can get it. It did everything I needed for free, and I...
  2. K

    iPhoto troubles in Tiger 10.4.0

    Re: SuperDuper! Disclaimer I am just a regular mom with a mac. My power-user status disintigrated with the appearance of diapers in my world. I am not a paid spokesperson for SuperDuper! ( I ever registered my copy (for...
  3. K

    iPhoto troubles in Tiger 10.4.0

    Here is my Tiger story - maybe it will help someone The product Superduper! (by Shirt Pocket) saved my iLife... I wanted to upgrade from 10.2.8 to Tiger on my iMac G4. After many tries, I finally figured out that my disk had come bad/corrupted files. I wanted to instal via...