Recent content by luciddream

  1. luciddream

    Font problem in InDesign: baselines shift!

    Hi Randman, There were no layers in to begin with. It were just 3 textboxes on top of eachother. But I've found the solution already. Some guys on Typophile could help me out. See this thread for more info: Thanks anyway, ®
  2. luciddream

    Font problem in InDesign: baselines shift!

    Posted on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 1:57 pm: ** Hi guys, I incountered a very annoying error in InDesign. I created a layered font called Kryptonite. It exists out of 3 layers that on top of eachother form a font that resembles the logo I ones created for a client. The correct order in...
  3. luciddream

    Font looks and acts weird

    On MacCentral, also a very good forum, I got this reply and it worked for me. Thanks anyway, René <a target="_blank"...
  4. luciddream

    Font looks and acts weird

    Hi guys, I've created my own font called SBD Block and SBD Block Cutout. Before I used the standard fontsoftware from Mac (in Dutch called Lettertypencatalogus!!!), lets call it FontOSX. At first SBD worked, but then I started to get problems with FontOSX and I started to use Suitcase. Since...
  5. luciddream

    Adressbook doesn't work anymore

    Hi guys, I'm back from a short holiday. Read the thread and will try it later on tonight. I tried repairing it over disk utilities before but had also a problem with the permissions. I'm curious what happens tonight. Thanx, ®ené
  6. luciddream

    Does your G5 also blow like a vacuumcleaner?

    Hi guys, Whenever I do something in Photoshop, or any other programm for that matter, my G5 blows like a vacuumcleaner or a plane on liftoff. Is that normal? Does yours also do that? I have the 5 mhz dual processor with 2,5 GB ram and 160 GB workspace. Later, ®ené
  7. luciddream

    Adressbook doesn't work anymore

    Hi there, After a standard systeminstall on my G5 I installed Adobe Creative Suite Premium. I fiddled a bit around making a network connection to my collegues G5. At the next startup Adressbook, iPhoto, Safari and Mail didn't work anymore. After a lot of searching, a hard night and some...