Recent content by MMACH 5

  1. M

    COD Admin software

    Thanks! I just downloaded Epecaf and will try it out later today.
  2. M

    COD Admin software

    I am in a COD2/COD4 gaming clan. Due to my being able to spend more time on the server, the head admin wants me to be an admin, also. He suggested I get RCON to perform admin tasks. However, there is no RCON for OS X. Is there another program I can get to administer a remote game server from...
  3. M

    COD 2 multiplayer

    I'm in the same boat. I need to be able to jump into other software, without quitting COD2 and can't figure out how to do it. Rather than completely, hi-jack this subject, I'll post a related question in anther thread.