Recent content by norwood

  1. N

    FreeType installation?

    Hi Viro You've fixed it! Thanks so much, I can't believe it's working. I'd like to buy you a beer! Here's my instructions/howto for the next poor soul who gets stuck with this problem: --- Get Freetype2 - to add Freetype2 support to GD To list all fink sw packages: fink list -i Don't install...
  2. N

    FreeType installation?

    Hi Matt, When I do: % ls -l /sw/lib/ | grep freetype I get... -rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 1512060 23 Apr 2005 libfreetype.6.3.2.dylib lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 23 19 Sep 16:15 libfreetype.6.dylib -> libfreetype.6.3.2.dylib This is the version of freetype I get when I specify: fink...
  3. N

    FreeType installation?

    Hi Viro Thanks for replying so quickly. I've just done this configure: ./configure --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --with-gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-jpeg-dir=/sw --with-png-dir=/sw --with-t1lib=/sw --with-freetype-dir=/sw --with-xpm --with-apxs and get back... "checking for FreeType...
  4. N

    Compiling PHP5 for Apple Apache 1.3

    Why is it so difficult to compile PHP5 with freetype2? Does anyone know how to do this? I've installed freetype2 from FINK, but the FINK documentation doesn't explain how to do this.
  5. N

    FreeType installation?

    I am running Mac OSX 10.3, and php 5.0.4. I'm trying to configure PHP with freetype2. I installed freetype2 from FINK, but can't figure out what config path to use for freetype2. If freetype2 doesn't need X11, then what should the config path be?