Recent content by optikd3l

  1. O

    can't save jpegs off web?? get error every time

    you guys rock... thanks for the advice. i am heading home right now and will try it out.
  2. O

    can't save jpegs off web?? get error every time

    i use aol... i know i know don't laugh. i'm ashamed enough as it it... it's just there generic browser.
  3. O

    can't save jpegs off web?? get error every time

    i can do that. have you heard of this problem before?
  4. O

    can't save jpegs off web?? get error every time

    ok, no i have not tried dragging to my desktop i just try and "Save picture as" and then it will save but won't open stating JPG has errors. i am using my G4 Powerbook, OS X, and it won't let me save any pictures from any site. hope this is enough info. i will try dragging it tonight. thanks...
  5. O

    can't save jpegs off web?? get error every time

    any time i try and save any picture (90% of the time jpg) off of the internet it won't save for me. it posts a link and says the jpg has errors?? i can save the same picture on a windows machine fine. i am lost on this one. i can't copy pictures either. help!!