Recent content by pepejeria

  1. pepejeria

    Functions keys F1-F3 are dead

    The iMac overrides the default functionality for the function keys. This can be reverted though, but thats not what I want. They Keyboard Viewer doesnt also really help me, since the working keys, F4 for example, dont get highlighted when pressed... Bummer.
  2. pepejeria

    Functions keys F1-F3 are dead

    I have an iMac with the extended new keyboard. The 3 first Fx buttons stopped working after a while. I don't know if they are damaged or if they are simply disabled. Can I verify this somehow? In the settings or something. F1 and F2 were used to handle the screen brightness and F3 was for expose.
  3. pepejeria

    Tabbing in Safari

    Hm, ok. I unchecked the "Turn on full keyboard access" and then rechecked it. Now it also works fine in the everywhere. Weird. Anyway, me happy now. Thanks for the help.
  4. pepejeria

    Tabbing in Safari

    Well, then it sounds like it works fine on Tiger. Good. :)
  5. pepejeria

    Tabbing in Safari

    So you CAN tab the buttons in the "Shut Down..." dialog? Are you on tiger? I am using 10.3.9
  6. pepejeria

    Tabbing in Safari

    This doesnt really work everywhere though. For example, check this checkbox, then /apple/Shut Down... Tab does nothing on that dialog