I got the flashing ? after I tried your 1st solution. After that I just got a black screen. Monitor not booting up. When I first got this problem I had a GeForce 6200 AGP video card. I replaced it with the original ATI card. I got the same results. I just tried the GeForce card again and I got...
Thanks again.
I did what you said.
Booted from install disc. Repair disc twice.
I got the message 'No repairs were necessary' in green letters, both times.
After shutting down and booting again with the power button, the monitor still
gives me a blank screen. The monitor power diode...
Thanks for all your advise.
I tried everything you said and it work just as you said in your descriptions.
But I only got the flashing ? at the end on the screen. I shut down with the power button and rebooted but the screen didn't come on again. I did get the start chime though.
I tried another monitor, video card, erasing HD and installing OS 10.4.
Will only boot if I open side of com. and push the reset button. ??
Anyone know what the fix is?
Problem with my G4 tower M5183.
It won't boot the monitor unless I open the side and push the reset button.
I tried changing the battery; another monitor;another video card; erased the HD and installed OS X10.4 again. Same results with all these options. ?????
Can anyone help on this issue...