Recent content by rokstar

  1. R

    Mail hogging the processor?

    Yeah, this morning, Mail seems to be normal, so maybe it did have something to do with the time switch, although that sounds very very bizarre. I was sure it had something to do with the widget redrawing (do they call them widgets in macos?) because as soon as I clicked on a menu and kept it...
  2. R

    Mail hogging the processor?

    I noticed today that for some reason Mail was eating up around 90% of my processor power... and it isnt even doing anything! I tried quitting the program and restarting it, but it just keeps on using up almost all of the processor. Any experience with this? Thanks, Rok
  3. R

    iTerm, bookmarks, and X11 forwarding...

    OK, so I've recently discovered iTerm and I like it thus far. However, when I try to do the following I run into problems: I want to set up a bookmark to ssh into a remote machine and use X forwarding so I can run Linux apps on my mac. I try this by setting the bookmark as "ssh -X...