Recent content by sambachman

  1. S

    New (used) iBook: How to reload system

    Sorry, Clarification needed on my post. I deleted applications that seemed non-native from the previous owner like limewire, Office 98, pagemaker. Was not easy as I had to "get info" to change permission to me on every app and folder from the previous owner to me before I could delete. I...
  2. S

    New (used) iBook: How to reload system

    I'm fairly new to macs but got a 17" IMac in September and loved it so much bought a used 600 Mhz white iBook with an airport card (and OS 9 and 10.2.3). It apparantly has an 18 gb hd with only 10 free. Since I got it, I did delete all of the native applications and added 256K Ram and...