Recent content by scottbmorton

  1. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    This totally worked! I just tried it. There's something magical about putting it in the new user's Trash and then wiping out their account. It doesn't work if you leave it in their user folder anywhere; you have to move it to their Trash first. Thanks so much; it's amazing that a fix this...
  2. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    The Shrine it is. SuperGetInfo won't even let me open the file to look at its properties. Maybe I screwed it up even further by moving it around on my system, who knows. Oh well. Let this be a lesson to all of you with Adobe Photoshop CS2. Lol.
  3. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    I did try the Terminal from the DVD method. I also tried SuperGetInfo and had no luck. Nothing is working. Every program or method so far has said "file does not exist" or "error" of some sort. I searched the web a bit and I think it has something to do with the special characters in the...
  4. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    I've had no luck short of rebuilding my system, and one rogue html file doesn't seem to warrant that. So . . . I've constructed a shrine for this file in a folder that is called "The Undeletable File." There it will stay in all its glory. All hail the Undeletable File.
  5. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    I tried doing the Secure Empty Trash and I got a message "Cannot delete: the folder is currently in use." Maybe it's being locked by some other process? For reference, the file was part of Adobe Photoshop CS2 Demo and the filename is: Tiếng Việt.html Only, the blocks...
  6. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    I downloaded Tinker Tool and it also will not let me delete the file or folder, regardless of using its "force delete" features. It gives me an error message. Any other suggestions?
  7. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    Looks like I might have to pick up TinkerTool; that method didn't seem to erase the file. If I drag the folder into the terminal, it won't delete it because the "folder is not empty" but if I drag the file itself in, the file doesn't delete and remains in the folder. I can't move it out of the...
  8. S

    Trouble deleting a "nonexistent" file

    Hi all, I'm kind of a Mac newbie . . . I've got a problem where I have this folder with an html document in it, but I can't delete it. When I try to open the document it says the file doesn't exist; I also can't delete it when I move it to the Trash. I can't wipe out the folder either...