Recent content by shresblo_h2o

  1. shresblo_h2o

    Accdentally deleted iTunes Library.itl

    Good find Styx!
  2. shresblo_h2o

    Can't load Hotmail, MSN or Microsoft on Safari, Firefox or IE5, other sites OK

    As I said on the 'other' are a really customer focused ISP. Don't forget to add the .au or else you are directed to an American ISP: Totally different. I can stop looking now...I was almost close when I mentioned your router....almost.....
  3. shresblo_h2o

    Can't load Hotmail, MSN or Microsoft on Safari, Firefox or IE5, other sites OK

    This is just a suggestion....I know this is frustrating the heck out of you but I am only able to think of one thing...power cycling your router (I'm presuming that you are using one). I will continue to search for any info on your very wierd issue.....
  4. shresblo_h2o

    Safari crashing after quicktime reinstall

    Just a thought, what if you trash the 6.5 webplugin, then restart the mac and reinstall QuickTime again....??
  5. shresblo_h2o

    Accdentally deleted iTunes Library.itl

    You should be able to upload your library from your iPod to your Mac with YamiPod which is a free download:
  6. shresblo_h2o

    Change Finder date format?

    I so overlooked this......
  7. shresblo_h2o

    AppleScript to find songs with no album art?

    Another option is to download the itunes widget which captures the album art of the current track and gives you the option to set that album art either to one track or all tracks from that album.
  8. shresblo_h2o

    Safari crashing after quicktime reinstall

    Try this, go to Users/youraccount/Library/Caches and delete Safari. Remove the Safari icon from your Dock if there. Log out and log in, or restart Another suggestion is to re-run Software Updater....
  9. shresblo_h2o

    Change Finder date format?

    Have you tried: SystemPrefs>Date&Time>OpenInternational>Formats>Customise? Please post back if this doesn't solve things for you.
  10. shresblo_h2o


    Try this method mykelee,
  11. shresblo_h2o

    Photo editing

    Automator can batch rename photos, see the video at Preview and iPhoto which should be already on your Mac can do the conversions too.
  12. shresblo_h2o

    my comuter does not reboot

    What kind of mac do you have...I'm guessing an Intel Mac? What where you doing prior to this problem. Do you have Boot Camp intalled?
  13. shresblo_h2o

    How to get back my MAC OSX Icon on to the Dock?

    It's just that I happened to learn that today....pure coincidence you needed the same tip that I found....if you asked me yesterday I wouldn't have known.
  14. shresblo_h2o

    iPHOTO Sony Cybershot Import Problems

    I suggest maybe a rebuild of your iPhoto library? Open iPhoto, click on help and in the iPhoto help search for Rebuilding iPhoto Library. There are various methods for the different versions out.
  15. shresblo_h2o

    How to get back my MAC OSX Icon on to the Dock?

    Just open Safari and go to then when the page loads drag the icon to the left in the URL address bar to the right of the trash in the dock and that's it done. You can do this with any website BTW.