That should certainly work on your machine then. Give it a try! It's only the older Beige G3s and such that it doesn't work on (I think).
I hate to say it but I think Apple needs to get a better dual boot option. Something more like Windows NT/2k. A boot.ini...wait, did I just say that...
Depending on the machine you're on... if you hold down the Option key as you boot you should be given the option to boot from any System folder connected to your machine. The downside is that it's pretty inefficient and it takes the machine a hundred years to search all your drives for a...
I could use it as a working OS only because it has the Terminal app. My Mac is a Juke box and my PC is my work when Apple released iTunes I was in luck. Other than that I'd say wait until software support is available. I think it's a usable OS but you need apps to run on it...right?