Recent content by srdill

  1. S

    Repeated Kernal panic

    I have been into the Genius bar with this one and went over a week without a kernal panic, thinking it was done. But two today tell me there is still a problem. Here is the spec n the machine: Model Name: PowerBook G4 17" Model Identifier: PowerBook5,1 Processor Name: PowerPC G4 (3.3)...
  2. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Not sure if anyone is listening any more (aka the great tree-in-the-forest question) but if for nothing other than digital posterity, here is the latest. The problems became less frequent, so I waited to see what would shake out before doing the erase and install. I went to the genius bar to...
  3. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Well good luck with that AFB/SMB/CIFS situation (what ever the heck that is), I just wanted to keep up the saga, as it seems like the only sustained story of pain left in this thread. I copied over everything from my main HD to ready for an erase and install. All the while the machine kept...
  4. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Oh yeah - there is something very wrong now that I have installed the 10.5.1 patch off the site! Hung this morning (woke, but stuck in screensaver image) and then after a reboot and a half hour into getting work done it rolls the gray shade down and tells me to restart the machine...
  5. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Sort of, there are fewer permissions that cannot be repaired. I would paste the list here, but after the first time of running the Disk Utility in Repair Permissions mode the machine now crashes (twice) and this last reboot the machine hung trying to send the crash report to Apple. I am...
  6. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Satcomer, didn't get to it yet, but that's not the first I heard that there was a difference in the two files. Will so soon - tho probably not until tomorrow - and report. Thanks for the prompt response! SRD
  7. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    OK, here is the latest: 1) Lost the devices in iSync and cannot figure out how to see the iPod and .mac account. Anyone know what to do there? 2) iTunes has twice forgotten where the library is. Took a while to find the hint on holding down the shift key while launching the app. The partition...
  8. S

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    Damrod, thanks for the spontaneous thought, that would have been a last resort (before going back to the Genius Bar again). I realized the two words that were keeping me from booting from the DVD *AND* from starting in single user mode: bluetooth keyboard. Yep, I wasted a boatload of time...
  9. S

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    OK, so here is the story with the 17" G4. The install took a little over an hour to get to reboot. Looked good for a heartbeat, then it refused my password. I'm the administrator - foreboding development! Fortunately my kids have user accounts on this machine and I remember one of their...
  10. S

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    The short story: Two of five installs done in our household so far. The first one scared the hell out of us: crashed the hard drive on the iMac G5 (2 MHz, 1.5 Gb), after two hours on the phone with Apple we took it to the genius bar, Applecare covered the cost of a new hard drive (plus $60 out...
  11. S

    HELP: Invisible subfolders in iTunes

    Will, I am hardly an authority on iTunes, but I have been wrestling with music files all day and I came across this article which helped understand what was going on (and how I screwed up): Read that...
  12. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Fixed the Quicktime issue with this from one of the other threads: The power of communities of experience, awesome!
  13. S

    Crashed hard disk tool?

    Tech Tools Deluxe comes with Applecare - do you have that?
  14. S

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Edit from Jason: "Please report any ... bugs you have with Leopard here. If you have more indepth questions, please feel free to post a new thread though. This is mainly for collection and reporting. :)" The short story: Two of five installs done in our household so far. The first one...