Recent content by stones900

  1. S

    Audio unit validation failure (within logic xpress 7.1)

    I have recently installed Native instruments, battery 2 for mac osx, I Have other N.I audio units (AU) installed, and are accessable within logic, no problem, But Battery 2 wasnt showing. Using the AU Manager, i realised the validation has failed. This is what the report displays as...
  2. S

    "could not load icontrol" on logic start up

    When i start logic it displays this message: Could not load module "icontrol" (-43) Does anyone have any information, as to how to rectify this matter? Thanks in advance for the help. Stones
  3. S

    Cannot open Battery 2, within logic xpress!

    Well, hope this is the right place to post my comment! :P Im using logic express 7.0, and have Absynth 3, Reaktor 5, and Battery 2 installed. Both Reaktor 5, and absynth 3 work fine, but battery 2 doesnt appear in the native instruments menu. (Au instruments>Native instruments) If...
  4. S

    Cross format driver for windows XP

    Need to locate a driver, so my p.c can read my mac harddrive. I have searched for one, but have had no luck. Any links, help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Dan
  5. S

    Registering idrum offline!

    I currently have idrum installed, i wish to register it offline, as it isnt wired to the net. When i run the authentication wizard, it just trys connecting to the net. Does anyone know how i can bypass this, and register offline? All help will be greatly appreciated! :D Thanks one...
  6. S

    Trying to unlock, locked sf2 files!

    I have tried to unlock these files in the "more info" section, but i cannot uncheck it. For some reason it is not making this option available to me, i cannot delete, nor use these sf2 files! please can somebody help! Thanks for all your great support! :D Stones
  7. S

    Uploaded Sound Fonts, display as locked

    i have tried this, but my "locked box" isnt lettin me uncheck it, it is shaded! :S Thanks again! Stones
  8. S

    Uploaded Sound Fonts, display as locked

    I have Uploaded some sound font 2 files (.sf2) to my mac, for using in logic, problem is, they all display with a padlock. i cannot delete them, nor use them. can anyone, help me out!? Many thanks Stones
  9. S

    How to get system spec, on Mac OSX 10.4 tiger

    I know to a lot of people, this sounds soooo simple! but hey! to me its a new thing! so thanks for your patience, and time in helping me! ;) I have a g4 powermac, but it has no serial, etc. I just wanna know how i can gain access to the system spec. Thanks in advance! :D Dan