Recent content by svejk

  1. S

    Setting sshd Auth Methods By Host

    I need to be able to tell sshd to accept only key based auth from a range of IP while accepting passwords from another range. In SSH brand ssh you can do this with subconfiguration files: i.e. In sshd2_config: AllowedAuthentications publickey HostSpecificConfig .*\.school\.edu...
  2. S

    setting up samba for wins information.

    Thanks but SMBbrowse is kinda kludgey and hasn't been updated in ages. Not really production quality. Dave works but is too expensive. I have ~500 Mac users here. mounting from the command line is not an improvement on typing the url connect server address field.
  3. S

    Macintosh HD is sometimes read-only?

    Most Apple Software Updates render / group writable (maybe world, I don't remember). They chose user non-outfreakedness over security in thhis instance. Since I use sendmail as a local relay (loopback only) and like reasonable security, I added a chmod line to the init script. Software update...
  4. S

    Chimera screenshots and review

    Try Galeon or Phoenix. On GNU/Linux those would be the closest spiritual and functional equivalents to Chimera.
  5. S

    Study: Linux' Security Problems Outstrip Microsoft's

    It benefits everybody for people to crack free software, at least under labratory conditions. Security is a process, not a state. It is hard to say what it means if there has been a decreased incidence of know MS exploits, because there is no transparency to the codebase. OTOH, many of the...
  6. S

    How to install gnome.....

    In my experience fink works just fine with Jaguar. Take a look here.
  7. S

    setting up samba for wins information.

    Turns out this is a "feature." Apple was basically lying about SMB browsing working. It only partially works. According to Tech Note 2053, Jaguar "SMB browsing is only supported on the local subnet." Annoying use of passive voice as well. You should be able to browse shares on your own...
  8. S

    apple remote desktop

    The installer drops English, French, German and Japanese versions of the Admin Guide in /Application/Documentation/RemoteDesktop. You can go there and open it or through the Mac Help Help Center. Open it from the Finder's Help menu, click the Help Center button, click Remote Desktop Help on the...
  9. S

    setting up samba for wins information.

    Woops. I left out a sentence. That should read: I added my "workgroup" (actually an NT domain in my case) and WINS server and the only thing that I could browse was the WINS server. When I removed the WINS server entry I could see all the machines on my own subnet but not on any others...
  10. S

    setting up samba for wins information.

    I am pretty sure the OS X CIFS client IS the samba client. Adding workgroup and WINS server entries to the smb.conf does change the client's behavior. If you want to do so from a GUI you can use the "Directory Access" app in /Applications/Utilities (Jaguar only). Open it up and select the...
  11. S

    apple remote desktop

    I am confused. How to set it up? The product comes with a manual. It is pretty straight forward anyway. What do you want to know?
  12. S

    apple remote desktop

    Whatever; they are both useful.
  13. S

    How to set en0 to duplex? experience is that 10/100 duplexing autosensing varies widely by driver/card. Gigabit seems to have nailed this down, and in fact only works with autosensing. Regarding the actual bandwidth (10 vs. 100 megabit), you would have to have some honkin' ADSL to do better than 10 megabit...
  14. S

    apple remote desktop

    Actually, that isn't Apple Remote Desktop, this is Apple Remote Desktop. Here is the Macworld review.
  15. S

    WINS Problem in Jaguar

    Haven't been here in a while so forgive me if this is old ground. I didn't find any answers browsing or searching the forum. I am trying to browse smb/cifs servers on an NT domain. The Jaguar Samba client picked up my domain automatically and displayed it in the "Connect to Server" dialog...