Recent content by SWFalcon

  1. SWFalcon

    Awsome: The Doctor Is In. Easter egg!!!

    Check out this web page for all you need to know about emacs: Have fun!
  2. SWFalcon

    What to do with OS 9 Documents folder?

    If you're going to use Mac OS 9 apps like iTunes, AppleWorks, or Microsoft Office either in Classic mode or by booting directly into OS 9, you should keep this folder. If you believe you will never use these programs again and you will only use OS X, you can trash the Documents folder. I would...
  3. SWFalcon

    [HOWTO] - DVD Player 3.0 on B&W G3's

    You can download an unhacked copy of Apple's DVD Player (1.72MB) here. If you're having problems, remember there are two places in the code you change PowerMac 2,1 to, for B&Ws, 1,1 or for Yikes G4s, 1,2; the places are located right under each other. Be sure to boot into OS 9 and use a hex...
  4. SWFalcon

    wallpaper changer?

    There is a new app that will change the background pic at startup. I haven't tested it yet, but it seems to be the only thing out there. Download it here: RandomBackground It's open-source so you could edit the location of the pictures you want displayed. Hope this helps,
  5. SWFalcon

    Earth/Globe screensaver

    Check out EarthBrowser. It was recently carbonized for OS X and can display current cloud formations, area weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc, provided you're connected to the Net. You can run it in full screen mode so it looks like a screensaver (except with the menu bar and dock as...